Camera Confidence Kickstart

Look, Sound, and
Feel Great on Camera

Virtual Workshop March 19

Be seen as a
confident communicator & trusted authority in your niche

Use the camera as a tool to expand your reach and influence, attract new growth opportunities, and create a lasting impact.

As a coach, creative, course creator, or workshop leader, you have the expertise, the passion, and the desire to make a difference.

And in today's virtual world YOU NEED TO BE SEEN and have your message convert.

But there's a Problem:
The Camera

It can be your greatest tool or your worst fear that keeps you from truly reaching and impacting your audience.

How are you supposed to connect with an inanimate object that feels like a magnifying lens on all of your flaws and weaknesses?!

Your self confidence is defeated even more if you cringe every time you see yourself or hear your voice on camera.

Even worse, it makes you feel not good enough and want to hide from the world. The last thing your business needs. 

You Deserve to Feel Confident — and to Make Your Impact on the World

Let me guess

Have you ever felt any of this?

  • I’m not photogenic or I have a big X (insert your favorite flavor here - nose, forehead, tooth, eye, etc.)

  • I need to lose 20 pounds

  • I hate my voice

  • I’m going to sound stupid

  • I don’t know what to do with my hands - I feel so awkward

  • I don’t know what to say

  • I’m not tech savvy

  • I can’t compete with Y (a competitor in your niche, celebrity, influencer, etc.)

  • I get anxiety just thinking about speaking

  • I’m afraid to put myself out there

  • I just hate being on camera!

Been there. And I was there struggling for years.

I know how overwhelming it can be to think about your message, tech, and appearing like you actually know what you’re doing. Not to mention looking and sounding like the rockstar you feel you truly are — you've got the skills! 

The first time I had an important interview on camera I was a deer in the headlights. I didn’t know where to look, how to look, what to do with my hands, or who to talk to. I was an uncertain mess. 

I was paralyzed in fear of what I looked and sounded like and felt like I didn’t belong there. And it resulted in a self-fulfilling prophecy. That video was never published by the interviewer. Opportunity blown and lost for my business. Even worse, a huge defeat to my self confidence.

So I tried the expensive courses that promised I'd look like a Hollywood star! MORE OVERWHELM.

Overcomplicated equipment, not MY introverted personality, and way too much effort and work when all I wanted was a simple photo or video. And I had to watch myself and then feel disappointed in the results. So I felt defeated.

Then came 2020 — a lockdown during a pandemic and we were all forced to be on zoom.

I had to show up whether I liked it or not. And I committed to do it in the simplest way possible where I looked and felt great being me.

I combined decades of personal development and coach training with another decade of portrait photography where I directed and coached clients to look and feel their best on camera. Then I added another 4 years (post-pandemic) of presenting at virtual events for a coach whose events reached tens of thousands of audiences worldwide and even presented on his virtual stage in 2023!

Now, I’ve taken all of these experiences and simplified them into a simple framework to help you show off your AUTHENTIC personal brand so you can look like a rockstar without breaking the bank or giving up who you are.

What if you could get on camera at any time knowing you look, sound, and feel incredible on command?

You are worthy of feeling proud, standing and delivering your message, so you can make the impact that deep down you know you were born to make.

Imagine breaking down every barrier with ease.

Picture yourself turning on the camera to go live and:

  • You feel a rush of confidence.

  • You know exactly what to say.

  • Your voice resonates with authority.

  • Your energy excites and engages your audience.

  • Your message creates a lasting transformation and drives your audience to success.

  • You are proud at the end of the impact you have made!

This isn't just a dream — it's what you will be able to do after the Camera Confidence Kickstart workshop.

With Camera Confidence Kickstart You'll Achieve:


Eye Catching

Visual Mastery

You'll learn the simple secrets to creating a professional visual presence that captivates your audience from the first glance.



Vocal Impact

Discover easy ways to prepare your content and present it, harnessing the power of your voice to engage and inspire your audience.


Authority with

Unwavering Confidence

Say goodbye to camera shyness as you embrace a newfound authentic confidence on command. Bye bye imposter syndrome!

Your Transformation Awaits

After mastering these essential skills, the world of conscious and subconscious communication opens up to you and your audience.

With Visual Mastery, your audience will see you as the credible, professional expert you are, drawn into your content with every frame.

Vocal Impact will ensure your message is not just heard, but felt, and will create a deep connection with your viewers.

And with Unwavering Confidence, the camera will become your ally, a powerful tool to share your passion, drive your business forward, and make a genuine impact on those you serve.

As a result you'll be able to:

  • Create engaging, professional-quality videos with ease, attracting more viewers and potential clients.

  • Conduct webinars and online workshops that captivate and educate, turning attendees into loyal followers and customers.

  • Share your story and your message with authenticity and impact, establishing a strong, trusted brand online.

  • Experience the growth and success you deserve, propelled by the confidence and skills to thrive in the virtual arena.

Hi! I'm Joanna

I'm your go-to coach for presenting your best on camera in photos, videos, and virtual events.

I worked as a peak performance business coach and portrait photographer for almost a decade when suddenly the world was shut down and the only way we had to connect was virtually.

I realized the importance of a powerful personal brand on camera
— in your online presence with photo and video and even more so in running Zoom meetings online! And there were so many dull, drawn-out boring presentations as we were thrust into the virtual world — including mine!

Luckily, I learned how to do it right by leading worldwide online events as a trainer on Zoom.

Since then, I've presented on virtual stages and trained other presenters by incorporating peak performance skills with how to use the camera effectively for personal branding and speaking.

I Believe:

• Your presentation is your brand - it’s the trust, credibility and authority you give to your audience.

• The camera is your most powerful business tool and works FOR you, not against you.

• You don’t have to be photogenic or a natural — anyone can do this, even introverts!
• Your message deserves to be seen, heard, and to be unforgettable.

• Coaches and creatives transform lives — Your skills heal others and need to be shared!
• Your energy is the key to authentically communicating your business and mission
• When you speak from your heart instead of a script you magnetize your audience to your message and make the ultimate impact. In this state of flow, you are the most powerful presenter you can ever be!

You have this in you — Join me at the workshop and I'll be honored to to show you how!

Here's What You'll Learn In The Camera Confidence Kickstart Workshop


How To Look Great

Create a simple visually-appealing setup that enhances your professional image, including:

• Backgrounds
• Lighting
• Camera Framing
• Styling for Face, Hair, and Wardrobe


How To Sound Great

Learn to harness the power of your voice to make your message not just heard, but unforgettable.
• Map out content with ease for any length of time (from 20 second reels to multi-day events)
• Select the right microphone for the job
• Improve your vocal clarity, projection, and presentation


How To Feel Great

Overcome camera shyness with proven strategies that allow your authentic self to shine through.
• Feel confident, certain, and centered
• Kick imposter syndrome to the curb
• Tap into your natural energy and flow state to transform your on camera presence

Tuesday March 19th, 2024

2PM-4PM US Eastern

© 2024 SoulScaping LLC - All Rights Reserved
